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7 Deadly Sins ( part -1)

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In the 4th century church 

identified 7 deadly sins 

Christianity has spoken lot

 about sinners, failing of

 character that were to be 

particularly condemned

 and avoided by all 

righteous people.

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the things that make us  

kill it in life,

Failing of character, They were 


Being snobbish and boastful. 


Envy is a graceless way of 

confronting and idea. 


Getting very angry 


Eating too much 


Wanting to sleep around 


Being lazy 


Greed is the powerful urge to 

take more than our fair. 

7 Deadly Sins 

seven deadly sins. 

Where did they come from?

They came from the Desert 

Fathers,  especially Evagrius 


Back in the day, he was looking 

through the kind of different 

versions of sin

that come up in the Bible,

and then Pope Gregory  around 608 

AD, after Jesus,

organized them into, formally,

the seven deadly sins.

They looked for the sins that kill a 

person's spiritual potential,the

 thing that cuts them off,

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All sins are deadly,  they will 

lead you in hell. 

(Galatians 5:20)

the things that make a mess of our 

lives, and we need  to talk about 

 how we can win the race that 

God has set for us in life and not 

make a mess of our lives.

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These sins, 

historically all through the church, 

have been seen as fatal to our 

spiritual progress in the world.

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Published from Blogger Prime Android App

Published from Blogger Prime Android App

 Published from Blogger Prime Android App

Look at the world right 


the death, the racism, the

 disease, the division, the 

economic problems, the 

political problems, not to 

mention, statistically speaking,

 the rise of mental illness, 

the rise of suicide, obesity.

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whether you're a Christian 

and or not. We feel it in 

our families.We all feel 

the effects of sin every 

single day on our lives

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 He wants to isolate you from 

others.Because he's thinking 

about it at all times.

He has you. 

And you know why he's 

going to do that, sin, sin, 

sin, sin,

Because these sins, they ruin

 your soul first,

"You be killing sin or it will be 

killing you." That's the whole idea.

"If you live according to the flesh, 

you'll die.

(Roman 8:13)

But if you live by the Spirit,

 you will live.

So sin is personal, but then it's 

cultural. There's two kinds of 


Think about that.  we have 

something wrong with us,

And so the burden becomes on us 

I  think Christianity solves it for you.

So the two things, your relationship 

with God

And your relationship with 


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So  we're going  to hit the 


and unpack how it plays out in our 

lives personally,

And then we're going to do our best 

to solve it

theologically, practically in your life.

So through my next blog we are 

going to learn how we 

can solve these sins. 

So if we lean into this, here's our 

hope and prayer.

This could change your life



  1. Thank you Yamima! What a well thought through sacred reflection.
    Thank you for your efforts and for sharing.

  2. 2021-0816-0240M8._210816.0333d2._streetflower3.191012FB
    Hello :
    The Coniker family is
    ready to build
    CT Human Integrated Technology ("CT-HIT")
    that learns from what you are doing in your blogs with a focus on what is stated in the Holy Bible.
    If you continue to cooperate, people will be guided to specific blog pages of yours based on what they tell CT or something else they are wanting to give their attention to.
    We need to know how to properly interact with you and your blog technology in order to properly aim in serving 1) God, 2) your requirements, and 3) your God given wants.
    You are holy. You are worthy.
    God alone is
    and worthy, and He purchased you with His blood so that you can be a member of His living human body. God is alive and active
    in you. Such
    shows through you work.
    You are holy;
    however, we need to help each
    other be perfect as our heavenly
    Father is perfect
    in every way.
    This is only possible inside the will
    of God.
    By the grace of God, we can overcome our fallen human nature
    and be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect.
    You are holy
    because of what Jesus Christ did for you.
    You are holy because you belong to Jesus and rejoice in your awareness of that fact.
    You are holy, worthy, and gifted because of the life giving grace of Jesus Christ.
    Your hard work, sacrifices,
    sufferings, and life experiences are
    part of the
    gifts God has given you. You have
    taken up your
    cross and have followed Jesus.
    You have repeatedly gotten up after you have fallen.
    You continueously ask God for help and recognize your dependence on God our sole Creator.
    You are humble in opening expressing your human weaknesses.
    You are brave in allowing yourself
    to be vulnerable to other
    human beings whom can hurt your feelings or worse.
    You aspire to continually live inside the will of God, while striving to better understand God's eternal will
    for your life.
    You are holy
    Yamima. You are worthy, and the Coniker family wants to invest money into your blogging business integrating with what is developing inside , and other technologies.
    To move forward with this, we need to grow in understanding of your professional blogging objectives and constraints that you need to operate within.
    ]] 2021-0816-0240M8._210816.0333d2._streetflower3.191012FB
    Mike Military Time - Monday

    Hello Yamima, will you get
    if someone gives you a comment by going through the following website?

    1. Are you ready and willing to
      help people experience Bible
      studies that
      in their interactive life experiences?

  3. The following is a comprehensive update.

  4. 2021-0816-0240M8._210816.0346d2._streetflower3.191012FB
    [[ Topic: Helping people develop blog content

    Hello :
    [[ <
    August 15, 2021 at 8:39 AM

    Are you ready and willing to
    help people experience Bible
    studies that
    in their interactive life experiences?
    The Coniker family is
    ready to build
    CT Human Integrated Technology ("CT-HIT")
    that learns from what you are doing in your blogs with a focus on what is stated in the Holy Bible.
    If you continue to cooperate, people will be guided to specific blog pages of yours based on what they tell CT or something else they are wanting to give their attention to.
    We need to know how to properly interact with you and your blog site technology in order to properly aim in serving 1) God, 2) your requirements, and 3) your God given wants.
    You are holy. You are worthy.
    God alone is
    and worthy, and He purchased you with His blood so that you can be a member of His living human body. God is alive and active
    in you. Such
    shows through you work.
    You are holy;
    however, we need to help each
    other be perfect as our heavenly
    Father is perfect
    in every way.
    This is only possible inside the will
    of God.
    By the grace of God, we can overcome our fallen human nature
    and be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect.
    You are holy
    because of what Jesus Christ did for you.
    You are holy because you belong to Jesus and rejoice in your awareness of that fact.
    You are holy, worthy, and gifted because of the life giving grace of Jesus Christ.
    Your hard work, sacrifices,
    sufferings, and life experiences are
    part of the
    gifts God has given you. You have
    taken up your
    cross and have followed Jesus.
    You have repeatedly gotten up after you have fallen.
    You continueously ask God for help and recognize your dependence on God our sole Creator.
    You are humble in openly expressing your human weaknesses.
    You are brave in allowing yourself
    to be vulnerable to other
    human beings whom can hurt your feelings or worse.
    You aspire to continually live inside the will of God, while striving to better understand God's eternal will
    for your life.
    You are holy
    Yamima. You are worthy, and the Coniker family wants to invest money into your blogging business integrating with what is developing inside , and other technologies.
    To move forward with this, we need to grow in a more detailed understanding of your professional blogging objectives and constraints that you need to operate within.
    ]] 2021-0816-0240M8._210816.0346d2._streetflower3.191012FB
    Note4U8 [
    is obsolete.
    ] Note4U8
    Mike Military Time - Monday

    Hello Yamima, will you get
    if someone gives you a comment by going through the following website?


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