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In The Beginning

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John of course the 4th gospel very

 different from the other gospels 

Mathew's  gospel

 was written for the Jewish people 

Gospel of Mark 

was written for roman audience 

It's a gospel of action 

It's short it's fast 

Gospel of Luke 

When we get to the gospel of Luke 

He's writing to the Greek audience 

Luke being a gentile 

physician being a

 little more exact and a little bit 

different in his language 

And covering a different angle 

altogether speaks about Jesus

 in his perfect manhood. 

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Is very different in his approach 

You will  notice the  John goes back

 in his genealogy in verse 1

John experienced on a

 personal level  

The love of Christ 

He said I am the one Jesus loved 

Jesus loved them all,  but John 


John said! 

"In the beginning The word,

a piece of conversation, a word.

But "he," the word, "he" was, in the

beginning, with God.

John goes all the way back to the 

very beginning at the beginning.

The point being is Jesus never 

wasn't he always was.

"In the beginning" sounds like 

Genesis 1.

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 "In the beginning,

all the way back to the very 

beginning at the beginning.

God created the heavens 

and the earth." 

"In the beginning was the Word."

He," speaking of the word, sounds

Now that sounds strange to be

 talking about a human being.

A person.

An entity with a human body.

A personality.

But to call the personality by the 

term "the Word."

The Jews would sometimes refer 

to God as "the Word."

The Hebrew word is "Memra."

The Greek word is "Logos."

they believed in what they called 

the Logos, the Word.

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The light begins in the morning, 

ends in the evening.

There are rotations and orbits of 

planets, et cetera.

There are lengths of days, that you 

can, after a while,

He was in the beginning with God.

All things were made through Him,

and without Him, nothing was 

made that was made.

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In Him was life, and the 

life was the light of men.

He is the Creator.

Jesus created all things.

He is the source of life.

He comes to the Earth, but 

He is the source

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So if there is a universe, 

there must be a universe 

maker because of the 

complexity of life

But John just tells us what 


All things were made through

 Him, through Jesus,

 and without Him, nothing was 

made that has been made.

There is the first word, bios,

 B-I-O-S, like bios, biology.

And it means physical, 

biological life.

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Jesus spoke about the thorns that

New life, new zoe, is the result of a 

new birth.

New life, new zoe, is the 

result of a new birth.

that lasts forever.

He's the origin of biological life.

He's also the source of inner 

satisfaction ,eternal life, a quality 

of life, abundant life

So in Him was life.

But he's the giver of everlasting life,

Verse 5

"And the light shines in 

the darkness,

and the darkness did not 

comprehend ,

Sometimes it says, and the 

darkness did not overcome it,

when somebody has been in a dark 

room for a period of time?

Light shined in the darkness.

The darkness did not comprehend, 

apprehend, or overcome it.

The world was made 

through Him, 

and the world did not

 know Him.

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He came unto His own, 

and His own did not

 receive Him.

But as many as received

 Him, to them

He gave the right to become 

children of God,

to those who believe in His name, 

who were born,

not of blood, nor of the 

will of the flesh,

nor of the will of man, but of God.

And the Word became flesh and 

dwelt among us.

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And we beheld His glory, 

the glory as of the only 

begotten of the Father,

full of grace and truth."

I love it.

 verse 1, that which was from the 

beginning, which we have

heard, which we have seen with our 

eyes, which we have gazed

concerning the Word of life.

He knows everything I think.

This guy, I believe Jesus  

is God in human flesh.

And then to say, we hung

This is the source of everything,

Now, we know, without a doubt, 

that the Word here refers to Jesus, 

because the Word became flesh.

And we beheld His glory as of the 

only begotten of the Father, full of 

grace and truth.

He came unto His own things,

 or His own creation,

but His own people did not


how His creation responds.

"And of His fullness we have all 

received, and grace for grace!"

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"Grace After Grace," 

I love that.

but grace and truth came 

through Jesus Christ."

Grace says, here is the 

work of Jesus Christ,

 finished, done,

can't add to it,

 can't subtract from it.

It's not your works.

He lived the perfect life 

you could never live.

For everyone born of God overcomes the world. 

This is the victory that has overcome the world, 

even our faith.

Praise God 



  1. This is helpful. I would like to learn more.

  2. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
    There is much opportunity
    for us to
    explore in what you are doing.

  3. What I am seeing in your blog postings Yamima, is so good and rich. There is so much opportunity for us to serve human needs through your work.
    Keep up the good work.
    I am very impressed.

  4. I found this

    blog page by doing a Google search on:

  5. 2021-0813-2300M8._210813-2300d2._Bible.Study4Yamima1152M8.210813FB.MS
    Mike Military Time - Friday

    Hello Yamima1152 at :
    I found this

    blog page by doing a Google search on:

    Do you receive credit if anyone
    makes comments on
    the blog identified above regardless of how they get to your
    blog page?

    1. I am trying to understand how to best interact with you through your blogging service so you receive credit for our interactions.

    2. Dear Yamima:
      In the beginning was the Word.
      There is a beginning you and I
      are experiencing!
      Today is 2021-0813 Mike Military Time.
      The Word of God
      sustains us.
      I want to better know love and serve God.
      Are you willing to develop your
      Bible study service to explore the depths of what is stated inside this message and do so including consideration for our inclusive
      Circles of Trust Centered in Truth ("CT")?

      Link2this comment:

  6. Hello Yamima, the following message shows a way of integrating your blogs with relevant matters I am addressing with CT.
    What will make this work is
    1) CT interacting with the links you provide and
    2) you (the Yamima1152 Trust registered in CT) emailing
    CT as instructed over time through our shared Trust.
    Via our cooperative interactions inside the will of Abba our Heavenly Father, CT will help you experience what God wants you to experience, which
    includes your daily bread
    and the money needed to serve your God given needs.
    God cares about you and your family.
    So does the publicly accountable inclusive Jerry and Gwen Coniker family.
    I am peacefully obligated to serve your family.
    Please hold me,
    my mind, and my soul publicly accountable for serving you
    and your family
    according to the Consecration
    I sincerely made
    inside the will of God.
    I am to serve you through the
    Coniker family certified RomisGill Trust, , , and a host of
    people and entities
    you will come to know through
    experience as
    we cooperate inside the perfect will of the only supreme Being who created us.

    1. 2021-0813-2300M8._210813-2330d2._Bible.Study4Yamima1152M8.210813FB.MS
      Mike Military Time - Friday
      Context4U8[[ CONTEXT MATTERS ][ Relevance of the Word of God in our lives ][ The Word of God living in and through us ][ Emanuel ][ God is with us. ][ Bible Study via ][
      Key.Link4Us8[[ Link2this comment:
      Dear Yamima:
      In the beginning was the Word.
      There is a beginning you and I
      are experiencing!
      Today is 2021-0813 Mike Military Time as this message is being created.
      The Word of God
      sustains us.
      I want to better know love and serve God.
      Are you willing to develop your
      Bible study service to explore the depths of what is stated inside this message and do so including consideration for our inclusive
      Circles of Trust Centered in Truth ("CT")?

      If so, please email this message to:

      Please post the following as the
      Subject of your email message:


  7. 2021-0813-2300M8._210813-2330d2._Bible.Study4Yamima1152M8.210813FB.MS
    Mike Military Time - Friday
    Context4U8[[ CONTEXT MATTERS ][ Relevance of the Word of God in our lives ][ The Word of God living in and through us ][ Emanuel ][ God is with us. ][ Bible Study via ][
    Key.Link4Us8[[ Link2this comment:
    Dear Yamima:
    In the beginning was the Word.
    There is a beginning you and I
    are experiencing!
    Today is 2021-0813 Mike Military Time as this message is being created.
    The Word of God
    sustains us.
    I want to better know love and serve God.
    Are you willing to develop your
    Bible study service to explore the depths of what is stated inside this message and do so including consideration for our inclusive
    Circles of Trust Centered in Truth ("CT")?

    If so, please email this message to:

    Please post the following as the
    Subject of your email message:


  8. Hello Yamima, I do not see the last 2 comments I posted above this message.
    Do you see them?

    Are they being hidden pending approval?

  9. 2021-0813-2300M8._210813-2357d2._Bible.Study4Yamima1152M8.210813FB.MS

  10. Hello Yamima, is it okay with
    you if
    if I post my Bible study considerations as comments within the attached URL link?

  11. Hi Yamima, do you already
    have a blog
    page that focuses on the attached topic considerations?


    14 April 2021
    Gospel: John 3:16 - 21
    New American Bible (Revised Edition)
    16 For God so loved the world that he gave[a] his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn[b] the world, but that the world might be saved through him. 18 Whoever believes in him will not be condemned, but whoever does not believe has already been condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God. 19 [c]And this is the verdict, that the light came into the world, but people preferred darkness to light, because their works were evil. 20 For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come toward the light, so that his works might not be exposed. 21 But whoever lives the truth comes to the light, so that his works may be clearly seen as done in God.

    Read full chapter
    3:16 Gave: as a gift in the incarnation, and also “over to death” in the crucifixion; cf. Rom 8:32.
    3:17–19 Condemn: the Greek root means both judgment and condemnation. Jesus’ purpose is to save, but his coming provokes judgment; some condemn themselves by turning from the light.
    3:19 Judgment is not only future but is partially realized here and now.

    " The Lord hears the cry of the poor. " or "Alleluia. "

  13. Hello Yamima1152 Friends of God:
    Are you willing to lead a Bible Study process within your God given means?

  14. I have some ideas that need to be further developed in service of the poor.
    I am sure you do as well.
    We can celebrate synergy inside the will of God in the process of respetfully
    communicating with each
    other with formalities that
    respect and honor constraints our integrated communications need to operate within in celebration of
    Divine Order. Respect for each
    other's time and personal
    boundaries) limitations is
    is very important.
    Based on what the Bible teaches, will you help the misbehaving Coniker family improve our ways of thinking and behaving in light of what God knows to be true and in celebration of love that exists without condition, while being charitable and compassionate?

  15. Hello Yamima1152, do you have a blog page that focuses on:
    The Lord hears the cry of the poor.

  16. The poor need help.
    Will you help the publicly accountable inclusive Jerry and Gwen Coniker family
    serve the God given interests of the poor?

    Families need to stand up and take
    accountability for human created problems that actively exist inside the human family.
    The Coniker family is one of these
    accountable families.
    The Coniker family is
    obligated, by its Consecration, to serve you and the poor.

    1. Mighty to Save[ < Everyone needs compassion - the kindness of a Savior. >
      Mighty To Save by Rachel Thomson
      2 Chronicles 7:14 King James Bible -
      2 Chronicles 7:14 Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (RSVCE)
      14 if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

  17. Dear Yamima1152, you are blessed and
    gifted to be standing at the doorstep of
    tremendous blessing
    Jesus Christ is delivering into humanity
    as we breathe.
    Your cooperative interactions with the
    Coniker family
    will allow you to come to know this reality through your experiences.

  18. Everyone.Needs.Compassion8.210816WA

  19. Fact:
    The Lord hears the cry of the poor.
    The poor are in need of support and various forms of help.
    There are more people in need of
    money than there is available
    money to provide. This
    problem is not based in money. It
    is based
    in people not experiencing God
    inside what they call love. God is love.

  20. Yamima, are you open to telling us how
    the Lord
    hears the cry of the poor?


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