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God's image

God's image 

Published from Blogger Prime Android App

   God created us 

God created  men  in  his image

and bless them and

said to them be fruitful and multiply.     

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              Published from Blogger Prime Android App

He fills us with his Glory 

He reated Birds and animals 

But we are not frogs , horses ,

or lizards or birds even 


we are human beings

in the image of God 

We alone and no other


There is quality of diffrence betwen 

humans and animals 

Can I dare say i am like God? 

Yes I can say. 

We are his workmanship .

God created us in Jesus christ for 

good works   

Thee righteousness and holiness

         (Ephesians 2:8-10 4:24)our

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Published from Blogger Prime Android App

Men made mess

What a mess we have made of his 

owsome dignity.

we messed up  his own image

God made him in the likenes of 


          (Genesis 6:6)

He grieved in his heart because earth

 was filled with violence.

God looked upon the earth 🌍 

and indeed it was corrupt;

for all flesh had corrupted their 

way on the earth. 

Published from Blogger Prime Android App

God said I Knew that you 

were obstinate, 

and your neck was an iron sinew, 


and your brow bronze .    


   (Isaiah 48:4) 

                     Published from Blogger Prime Android App

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He Said My people 


their  Glory for what does not 


     (Jeremiah 2:11)

                         Published from Blogger Prime Android App

We must understand the 

meaning of creation and 

image of God.

God's image begs for a completion

transformation, redemption,

Kind of re-creation.

By The grace man saved through

faith in  Jesus christ 

it is the gift of God not

your own doing.

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Our corruption begs for

an answer.

 Jesus is the


He forgives, He cleansPublished from Blogger Prime Android App

and he begins reclamation

project called 


That will end in the Glory 

of God. 

     ( Amen)


  1. Thank you for your efforts and sharing.

  2. What is the following link suppose to do? I see it listed above.

    scri pt as

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  3. Imparting message, to us as sinful men and women pointing us to Christ Jesus, the only answer for the Salvation of mankind.

  4. For only in Him, we live, move, and have our being.
    More grace to you Yamima!


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