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An excellent wife

An Excellent Wife 

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Who can find a virtuous  wife,  For her worth is far above rubies. 

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The heart of her husband
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Safely trusts her,

so he will have no lack of gain. 

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She is intelligent 

She open her mouth with 
wisdom and on her tongue 
is the law of kindness. 
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Her children rise up and call her 

blessed also, and he praises her. 

 proverbs 31

Gift from God 

He who finds a wife finds a good 

thing and obtains favor from the Lord.

(proverbs 18:22)

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 Husbands love your wife 

as Christ loves His church.

Jesus Christ showed

 compassion and taught 

God's ways, while He 

walked the earth as the 


He showed the greatest

 love by submitting to the

 will of His Father and laid

 down his life for the church 

inclusive of humanity.


However, let each one of 

you love his wife as 


(Ephesians 5:33)

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Excellent wife 

An excellent wife is the 

crown of her husband, 

but she who brings shame is 

like rottenness in his bones.

(Proverbs  124)

Showing honor to 

the  wives 

Likewise, husbands, live 

with your wives in an 

understanding way, showing

 honor to the woman as 

the weaker vessel, since 

they are heirs with you 

of the grace of life, so

 that your prayers may 

not be hindered.

(1peter 3:7)


submit to your husbands, 

as is fitting in the Lord.

(colossians 3:18)


submit to your own husbands, 

as to the Lord.

(Ephesians 3:22)

She is humble

Now as the church submits 

to Christ, 

so also wives should submit in 

everything to their husbands.

(Ephesians 5:24)

The wisest women

The wisest of women builds 

her house, but folly with her 

own hands tears it down.

(Proverbs 14:1)

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Prudent wife

House and wealth are 

inherited from fathers, 

but a prudent wife is 

from the Lord.

(proverbs 19:14)

Quarrelsome wife

It is better to live in a corner

 of the housetop than in 

a house shared with a 

quarrelsome wife.

(proverbs 21:9)

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Precious jewels 

An excellent wife who

 can find? 

She is far more precious 

than jewels.

(proverbs 31:10)

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She is so good 

She does him good, and 

not harm, all the days

 of her life.

(proverbs 31:12)

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She is wonderful 

To be self-controlled, pure, 

working at home, kind, and 

submissive to their own 

husbands, that the word 

of God may not be reviled.

(Titus 2:5)

Charm is deceitful and Beauty is 

passing, but a woman who fears 

the Lord, she shall be praised. 

Give her of the fruit of her hands, 

And let her own works praise her in the gates. 

(proverbs 31)



  1. Wow Yamima! Wow! I recommend you add one more Sacred Scripture passage at the beginning:
    Husbands love your wife as Christ loves His church.
    Jesus Christ showed compassion and taught God's ways, while He walked the
    earth as the human
    God man;
    He showed the greatest love by submitting to the will of His Father and laid down his life for the
    church inclusive of humanity.

  2. 2021-0810-0714M8._210810-0745d2._streetflower3.191012FB
    @Yamima Amir Chaman said:
    Thanks for everything
    Dear Yamima, you are
    giving me something quantifiable
    to work with that is a product produced in Pakistan and maintained from within Pakistan.
    That is what the publicly accountable inclusive Jerry and Gwen Coniker family needs.
    It is the will of God that the original
    eldest son of Jerry and Gwen Coniker
    serve humanity with his God given mind and human spirit, while being based inside Pakistan forever.
    This is a very big deal, and time is revealing the will of God about this matter as we breathe.
    Michael Coniker

  3. Wow! What an inspiring and beautiful blog!
    Yamima1152: Your blogging work is uplifting and edifying.
    Thank you for what you are doing in service to God and to people.
    Michael Coniker


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