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my big mouth

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It's not about your 


 mouth not about your 


mouth, your sister's or 



It's about yours mouth,

My mouth 

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"James the just"

He described three acts 

It is very important 

It's a big idea 

A big application 

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James (1:19,20)

He said my dear brethren

  1. Quick to hear 

  1. Slow to speak 

We all have conflicts reasons of

 all conflicts are our behaviour 

We all should hear and understand

We may not agree, but  you got

 listen to what James said

If you want to save your 


apply these steps 

Practice this 

Say with me

  1. Quick quick to listen

  1. Slooooooow  to speak

This is a




James was the 

brother of 

Jesus Christ and he was 

the leader of Jerusalem 

After  resurrection of 

Jesus Christ,  

around 60,80 James was 

leading the church 

James was an

 incredible  man his 

nick name was just

"James the just"

 In the letter he talks about how 

important is 

for us 

How to listen and 

How to speak and 

How to act 

He said my dear 


Take note of this 

Everyone should be 

Quick to 


Which doesn't make sense 

It's mean speed up your



There is a point 

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Your most important thing

 is relationship

You can do 

Be quick to listen 

Listen quickly 

Make it first 

Before you doing 


Slooooooooow to  speak


The idea is be late 

If you have to say 


Be curious 

 It's a life changing 


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step _  3

Sloooooow to become 



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We all express anger 

Many kind of anger 

Blow up, bad mood, 

 more like this 

It's dangerous for your 


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How to overcome anger

Learn this formula

The longer you listen

The more you learn

The less angry you 


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Anger jumping 


Relationship destructive ,


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There is a divine
 agenda attached 
to this 
Let me explain you

James said! 

Why this is a big deal 


Human anger does not 

produce righteousness 

that God desires. 

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Your anger produce your 


It's not God's agenda 

He wants to be love 


It doesn't matter who is right 

You can not win a relation or 


Don't settle for being right 

make  things 


There get rid of all moral filth. 

There is a key

Bible says! 

Humbly accept the word 

planted in you 

Which can save you, 

Your marriage, 

Your sons, 

Your daughters,

Your job

Because of doing this not 

knowing this 

Make all the difference 

Step back in the basic 

It has the power to save you right now 

This is exactly what 

Heavenly Father did for 


He set His Son into the 

world as 

one who could not speak 

God set His Son 

not as author,

not as preacher, 

not as teacher,

not as prophet 

He set His Son 

As a baby 

who was speechless. 

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He heard  and He  learned  

after 30 

years He begain to speak 

and people flocked. 


He invited all the nations 

to follow Him. 

and He changed the 


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You are invited .

That invitation stands 


Become a follower of 



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