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God cry


God cry

Published from Blogger Prime Android App

Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

  (Genesis 6:5)

And the LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.

(Genesis 6:15)

Published from Blogger Prime Android App

WOE  to the rebellious children

," says the LORD, 

Who take counsel, but not of Me, and who devise plans, but not of My Spirit, 

that they may add sin to sin

Published from Blogger Prime Android App

Who walk to go down to Egypt, 

and have not asked My advice.

(Isaiah 29:15)


Woe to those who go down to Egypt 

for help, and rely on horses, 

who trust in chariots 


they are many, and in horse

(Isaiah  31:1)

Woe to those who seek deep

 to hide their counsel far from 

the Lord, and their works are

 in the dark. 

Isaiah 29:1


Woe  to those who devise  inquity, 

and work out evil on their beds! 

At morning light they practice it,

 because it is in the power of their hand.

(Micah 2:1)

Published from Blogger Prime Android App

God Lord says! 

COME near, 

you nations,

 to hear; 

 who will contend with Me?

 Let us stand together. 

who is My adversary? 

Let him come near Me.

(Isaiah 50:8)


Look, all you who kindle a fire, 

who encircle yourselves with sparks: 

walk in the light of your fire and 

in the sparks you have kindled- 

this you shall have from My hand:

 you shall lie down in torment.

(Isaiah 50:11)



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