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Showing posts from July, 2021

God's warning to the wicked

But to the wicked God  says:  "What right have you to declare My statutes, or take My covenant  in your mouth, Seeing you hate instruction  and cast  My words behind you? When you saw a thief, you  consented  with him, and have been a  partaker with adulterers.  You give your mouth to evil, and  your tongue frames deceit. You sit and speak against your  brother;  you slander your own mother's son.  These things you have done,  and I kept silent; you thought that  I was altogether like you;  but I will rebuke you,  and set them in order before  your eyes.  "Now consider this,  you who forget God,  lest I tear you  in pieces, and there be  none to deliver: Whoever offers praise glorifies Me;  and to him who orders his  conduct aright I will show the  salvation of God." Amen (psalm 50)

The trap of the wicked

Bitter than death  King Solomon said!   And I find more bitter  than death the woman  whose heart is snares  and nets, whose hands  are fetters.  He who pleases  God shall escape  from her,  But the sinner  shall be trapped by her. (Ecclesiastes 7:26) <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script> Lips 💋 of an immoral  For the lips of an immoral woman drip honey, and her  mouth is smoother than oil; But in the end she is bitter  as wormwood, sharp as a  two-edged sword.  Her feet go down to death,  her steps lay hold of hell. Lest you ponder her path  of life- her ways are  unstable; you do not  know them. Therefore hear me now,  my children, and do  not depart from the  words of my mouth. Remove your way far from  her, and do not g...

the lips of the righteous

The  lips of the righteous  The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable,  But  The mouth of the wicked  what is perverse.  The mouth of the righteous  brings forth  wisdom,  But  The perverse tongue will  be cut out.  The mouth of the righteous  is a well of life  But  Violence covers the mouth  of the wicked.  The tongue of the righteous  is choice silver,  But  The heart of the wicked  is worth little.  The lips of the righteous  feed many,  But  Fools die for lack of wisdom.  (Proverbs :10)      Amen

my big mouth

It's not about your  husband's   mouth not about your  wife's  mouth, your sister's or  brother's  mouth.  It's about yours mouth, My mouth  "James the just" He described three acts  It is very important  It's a big idea  A big application  James (1:19,20) He said my dear brethren Quick to hear  Slow to speak  We all have conflicts reasons of  all conflicts are our behaviour  We all should hear and understand We may not agree, but  you got  listen to what James said If you want to save your  relationship  apply these steps  Practice this  Say with me Quick quick to listen Slooooooow  to speak This is a  game  changing  idea James was the  brother of  Jesus Christ and he was  the leader of Jerusalem  After  resurrection of  Jesus Christ,   around 60,80 James was  leading the church  James was an  incr...

try this 2 simple activities with your children

Parents! If  You Are Too  Busy With  Work, Make  Time To Try  This 2  Simple  Activities  With Your  Children Now adays parents spend more time on their business rather than their children,  and because of this many kids grow up hating their parents for neglecting them instead of being with them  when they were growing up.  Well, many parents have come to  realize and also regret their  decision of spending  more time on their business  rather than their children because when they eventually get old,  <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script> their children who have always  hated them for not spending  much time with them will  eventually forget about them  and will not take care of  them at old age. So if you are that type of parent who loves...